Saturate with Oxygen...Renew and Regenerate

Saturate with Oxygen...Renew and Regenerate

When We Breathe...

Oxygen is necessary for the function of every cell, every minute of every day, and the body cannot store it for later use. Oxygen is essential for proper cellular function. It is a nutrient our body uses to help remove toxins and reduce inflammation. Cells and tissue that are hypoxic (deficient in oxygen) cannot thrive. Hypoxic tissue is associated with disease in the body (cancer, heart attack, virus, bacterial infection, stroke, diabetes, etc.). In many cases, inflammation blocks adequate oxygen from reaching damaged tissue.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT)...

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is a non-invasive, safe treatment in which a patient breathes air and/or increased amounts of oxygen while inside a gently pressurized chamber. In a hyperbaric oxygen chamber, increased amounts of oxygen can be dissolved into the body’s cells, allowing the body to become super-oxygenated.

The oxygen saturation of cells via HBOT can promote optimal cellular function, accelerated repair, enhanced cognitive function and improved ability to reach tissue blocked by inflammation. Oxygen under pressure enhances the ability of white blood cells to kill bacteria, reduce swelling and allow new blood vessels to grow more rapidly into the affected areas.

Conditions Responding to HBOT:

Conditions Responding to HBOT:
Post-COVID long-term effects
Lyme disease

Why Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Works

On average, an individual consumes about six pounds of oxygen every day, far outweighing any other nutrient demands.

Although oxygen performs many roles in the body, its primary role is in the production of energy. Only 50% of our energy actually comes from fats and carbohydrates in our diet. Our cells must convert this energy in order for our bodies to make this stored energy usable. This happens when our cells convert this stored energy into molecules of ATP using; you guessed it…OXYGEN.

By Using HBOT chambers, we are able to dramatically increase the partial pressure of oxygen, which then dissolves the oxygen into the plasma and other waterborne fluids of the body. This is extremely significant because water and gasses dissolved within it are able to cross the cells semipermeable membrane via osmosis and diffusion. Since the human body is approximately 70% percent water and every cell literally bathes in water, we use the HBOT chamber to deliver oxygen to every tissue in the body – Our bodies then do the rest!


We Provide Essential Services For Your Health Care

A Doctor of Chiropractic, for over 22 years, completing his education at Northwestern Health Sciences University (NWHSU) and a Functional Medicine Hyperbaric Clinician certified by the International Board of Undersea Medicine (IBUM). He is a Gonstead-trained chiropractor using a specific, hands-on approach to evaluate structural, bio-chemical and bio- mechanical causes of dysfunction. He specializes in x-ray analysis, thermal instrumentation, static and motion palpation to detect indications of inflammation and nerve pressure. Dr. Landin continues his education in Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) science and gas laws, clinical applications, and chamber safety and operations. 

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  • Conduct Checkup

  • Perform Treatment

  • Prescribe & Payment

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What Patients Say About Us

"I haven't been this clear-headed in a long time


"My neuropathy started going away after the 2nd session"


"I feel like I can tackle Mt. Everest"


Since COVID, my resting heart rate has been between 100-120. Now, after hyperbaric oxygen therapy, my resting heart rate averages around 60. My sleep is great and I don't have to take naps anymore.


After one session in the hyperbaric oxygen chamber, I had so much energy and my sleep was great!


“Post COVID I noticed my breathing capacity had lowered and my heart rate had skyrocketed. Since starting Hyperbarics I feel like a completely different person. My resting heart rate went from 100-120


“After 8 sessions of HBOT, my platelet count has drastically increased, no transfusions since starting HBOT. I’ve felt invigorated ever since starting with Hyperbarics!”


“After 8 sessions of HBOT, my platelet count has drastically increased, no transfusions since starting HBOT. I’ve felt invigorated ever since starting with Hyperbarics!”


To Schedule A Consultation:

Call 224-306-7323

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