Hyperbaric Benefits

Oxygen is needed for many essential functions in the human body such as breaking down the food we eat, detoxifying our blood, absorbing vital nutrients, and enhancing memory and brain function.

Extra oxygen in the body can reduce the risk of heart disease by avoiding hypoxemia which is low blood concentration. Hypoxemia could damage our cardiovascular system leading to high blood pressure and even heart failure.

Extra oxygen helps wounds heal faster by bringing much needed blood flow to oxygen-starved tissues. It also promotes the formation of new collagen and new skin cells, making wound healing much faster.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy and the extra oxygen it brings the body is beneficial for brain health and cognitive function. Low blood oxygen levels can lead to brain fog and trouble with concentration. The additional blood flow brought about by extra oxygen improves brain function and promotes neuroplasticity. HBOT is even recommended for patients with brain injuries, Alzheimer’s or dementia.

The additional oxygenation through hyperbaric oxygen therapy boosts stamina and performance that is essential for proper exercise. Physical activity is so important for quality of life and longevity. With extra oxygen, muscles heal faster and experience less fatigue. It reduces respiratory discomfort and boosts endurance. Getting proper exercise provides our bodies with so many benefits such as improving mood, building strength, reducing the risk of mental illness, and managing weight.

Extra oxygen promotes better sleep. A proper night’s sleep is essential to restore the body to perform day-to-day functions. Quality sleep boosts the immune system, improves concentration and focus, reduces the risk for mental illness, improves memory, and has a lot of other benefits for our overall well-being. Many people have disrupted sleep patterns that do not promote good sleep quality. The additional oxygenation from hyperbaric oxygen therapy helps us achieve a slow-wave sleep, which is optimal for restoration and rest.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy involves breathing oxygen in a pressurized environment inside the chamber. This allows our lungs to collect more oxygen that is then pumped by our heart to be absorbed into our blood plasma. This encourages better blood flow and circulation, with a host of health benefits for our body.